Testblood 500 10 ampoules each 1ml

Detailed description

Most potent testosterone blend (150mg Testosterone Propionate, 100mg Testosterone Phenylpropionate, 250mg Testosterone cypionate)
This product has been designed only for very experienced "hardcore" bodybuilders, all others should avoid it, it is just too hard on the system of non experienced user.
Has very long half life, stays active in the body for full 3 weeks
Has a strong anabolic and strong androgenic effect
Not particularly useful to build lean muscle or on calorie reduced diets
Conversion to estrogen and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is high


Will aromatize into estrogens at a high rate,
At high doses, there is significant water retention and blood pressure may increase,
Will convert to dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
Has a large impact on endrogenic testosterone production,
Is not well tolerated by women,
Excessive testosterone in woman may cause virilization (masculinization) symptoms.

Proper use

Testblood 500 with its extremaly high concentration at 500mg/cc should be avoived by beginners, intermediate experience users and women, all others should approach it with caution since it is easy to overdose it.